The farm has seen many changes over the last 3 years, with the decision to restructure away from large quantity milk production. We initially started rearing a grass fed beef suckler herd, which is a herd of cattle bred for meat instead of milk, a very natural system sustaining itself from the land, Gareth is passionate that cattle farmed this way is one solution to save our planet not destroy it. We currently have Aberdeen Angus, Blonde D'Aquitaine, Limousin and Hereford breeds. We choose to use mainly native breeds that will convert grass efficiently and produce excellent quality meat, with the aim of adding 'Pilford Beef' to the table as soon as they are ready. We have our own Hereford bull called Steyn, who is a gentle, friendly bull.
The farm has had an exciting year, with the decision to return to milk production on a much smaller scale. We now have a Microdairy, where we produce delicious, fresh and local milk from our small herd of pedigree Jerseys. We are proud to supply our milk to a local artisan cheese manufacturer, The Book and Bucket Cheese Company, who are just down the road in Cranborne.
As a member of The Jersey Cattle Society, we chose our herd of 16 for their individual personalities. They are all very happy grazing the lush Dorset grass on our 250 acres of land and provide the most delicious milk.
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