Nestled within the picturesque Dorset countryside, the Dean Family has cultivated their farming legacy for generations. At the heart of this cherished heritage lies Pilford Farm, a place that has been Gareth's since the day he was born.
From his earliest days, Gareth worked alongside his parents, learning the art and science of farming with love and dedication. In 2002, the time had come for Gareth to take the reins, and he wholeheartedly embraced the responsibility of nurturing the land and its animals.
Spanning over 220 acres just outside the vibrant market town of Wimborne Minster, Pilford Farm boasts a thriving menagerie of life. A beef cattle herd of 100, A milking Pedigree Jersey cattle herd of 16, 50 pigs, 30 chickens, 11 ducks, and the ever-loyal farm dogs, Molly and Bear, all contribute to the farm's harmonious ecosystem.
Our days are filled with purpose and care as we strive to uphold the values that have guided our family for generations. Sustainability and animal welfare are at the core of everything we do. Our livestock roams freely, feasting on nutrient-rich grass, which not only leads to healthier animals but also yields the most delectable grass-fed beef and pork you can find.
Sharing the fruits of our labor with our local community is a matter of pride for us. Our aim is to provide our customers with the finest farm-fresh products, and we do so at a fair price that honours the hard work and love we pour into our farm.
But what truly sets us apart is our commitment to the well-being of our animals. Each day, we make sure they live comfortably and contentedly. Their happiness is the heart of our daily work, and it fills us with joy to see them thriving under our care.
As the seasons change and time goes on, Pilford Farm remains a testament to the love, dedication, and responsibility that come with being farmers. It's an honor to carry on the legacy and to continue nurturing this beautiful farm for the generations yet to come.
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